Sep 29, 2012

Using the Digital Collections

Hi Everyone,

Well, it's been a strange 6 weeks, I've had the flu and then to top it off have had tonsillitis for the last week. And that's strange as normally I don't get sick for too long, guess I was a bit more run down than I thought....

Anyway, I have been making a few things here and there so over the next week I'll show them to you. I won't commit to how regular the posts will be, you may get 2 in a day, we're now on school holidays in WA so it'll be whenever I can get some peace to be on the computer lol :)

Today is all about using the Digital Collections. My last post for the ESAD Blog Hop showed 2 tote bags I made... It's all very easy really, I just printed out an A4 page of one of the digital papers I liked, traced my tote bag template onto it and whipped it up.

I printed the papers out just like I would a photo, using the program on my computer that probably came with the camera. No fancy tricks or programs at all... They all came out really lovely on our Whisper White cardstock.. So smooth, no colour runs either :)

Right off for the first movie of the holidays, Alice in Wonderland (the cartoon version). I remember watching this as a kid and now I get to share it with my girls - ♥ it!

Thanks for looking,
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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are feeling better Richelle,
    Enjoy your day with the girls. Love what you have done with the digital papers.


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