Sep 5, 2017

Father's Day Cards

Hi Everyone,

On Friday, I had the pleasure of going to school and helping my daughter and her classmates to make a father's day card.

Before the class, Miss 9 and I made some samples so the kids would have some ideas to work from and hopefully inspire them.

Miss 9's design #1

Miss 9's design #2

We did make it easier for 30 kids to be taking part by having their teacher print some sentiments rather than stamp. We figured that would be faster than trying to stamp with that many kids in the short space of time I was able to be there.

Miss 9 was so proud to be sharing her cardmaking skills with her friends, you couldn't wipe the smile from her face which was a lovely sight!! Unfortunately I didn't get photos of the kids' creations, but I think they were a massive success judging by their smiles and how proud they were showing off their creations to each other, their teacher and to me.

And whilst I'm sharing Father's Day cards, Miss 10 made this card independently for her Dad:

And this was my card for my Dad:

This was one of the card designs from last month's class.

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